Discover what the UN SDGs are and why they matter
Sustainability is high on the agenda for many organisations but knowing where to start to make meaningful impacts can be challenging.
On this four-week course from the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), you’ll explore the background, importance, and nature of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. With this knowledge, you’ll learn how you can assess your organisation against the UN SDGs and make positive changes in your workplace.
Create an action plan to turn your organisation into a green business
On this course, you’ll have access to case studies that showcase sustainable organisations. You’ll be able to study their efforts and receive valuable guidance on implementing the UN SDGs within your own business and everyday life.
Through this course, you’ll learn how to create an action plan that reduces the negative impact you and your organisation have on the planet and global community.
Measure your organisation’s sustainability progress
While implementing a sustainability action plan is a huge step in reducing your impact, it can be difficult to measure and sustain your progress.
EFQM will provide you with a highly developed assessment tool to measure your organisation’s current performance in implementing the UN SDGs. This will allow you to assess your development and ensure your goals are met.
Build toward a greener future with EFQM
EFQM has encouraged ethical business practices for over 30 years and has a wealth of expertise in improving organisations.
With their history of success in sustainable business and their world-class assessment model, EFQM is well placed to help you and your organisation create a greener tomorrow.
This course is designed for anyone responsible for sustainability, sustainable development, or ESG in their organisation.
It will also be appealing to those interested in the UN SDGs, sustainability, or making the world a better place.