Yep! No matter how hard you try, eventually you will need to send emails from your app! Whether it's a "registration" email, "order completed" email or a "Hey, we think you're great & want to give you a free ?" email, setting this up doesn't need to be a pain! With Symfony's Mailer component & cloud email delivery services... I dare say, you're going to love sending emails.
In this tutorial, we'll give your emails something to brag about by mastering Symfony's Mailer:
- Installing & configuring the mailer transport
- Sending that first email and configuring the heck out of it!
- Debugging emails while developing? Hello Mailtrap, MailHog & Mailcatcher!
- HTML emails with Twig
- Automatic text emails
- Linking to images from within an email vs embedded images
- Styling with CSS with automatic CSS inlining
- Integrating the Foundation CSS framework for emails: Inky!
- Leveraging event listeners to globally customize from, senders, etc
- Sending emails from a command (and fixing link URLs)
- Email attachments
- Sending emails from inside of tests (the null transport)
- Async email sending with Messenger
- Failover & round robin transports
- Production cloud delivery setup with SendGrid
- DNS "deliverability" goodies - SPF, DKIM & DMARC!
So... let's send some emails, make them look great and love the process.