ABOUT THE COURSE:The course in Tectonics and Geodynamics is specifically designed for M.Sc./ Ph.D. students in geology and geophysics, but can even be taken by final year geoscience students. This course aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to the dynamic processes shaping the Earth, with emphasis on the principles of plate tectonics. It will delve into the forces driving plate movements, the kinematics of plate interactions, the role of heat and its transfer in driving these processes, and a deeper understanding of the complex mechanisms underlying tectonic activity. The final part of this course will focus on the different tectonic regimes on Earth and their associated geodynamic processes.INTENDED AUDIENCE: M.Sc. (PG)and Ph.D.students of Geology and GeophysicsPREREQUISITES: B.Sc. / BS in Geology or in Geophysics, or any equivalent geoscience bachelors degreeINDUSTRY SUPPORT: Any company working on resource exploration on Earth – hydrocarbon or mineral exploration
Week 1:Introduction to Plate Tectonics: evolution of plate tectonic theoryWeek 2:Geometry of plate tectonics: tectonic plates and plate boundaries. Week 3:Plate motions on a flat Earth. Triple junctions – stability and evolution with timeWeek 4:Plate motions on a spherical Earth: Euler poles and rotation vectorsWeek 5:Earth’s magnetic field and past plate motionsWeek 6:Tectonic plates, plate boundaries and driving forcesWeek 7:Heat generation and transfer of heat inside the Earth: concept of equilibrium geothermsWeek 8:Mantle contribution to crustal heat flow; the mantle adiabatWeek 9:Divergent margins and riftingWeek 10:Transform FaultsWeek 11:Convergent boundaries – subduction zones and active continental marginsWeek 12:Collision tectonics
Taught by
Prof. Saibal Gupta