ABOUT THE COURSE:Mining industry being one of the critical sectors of the economy, has to play important role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of India as envisaged by NITI Aayog. Mining industry produces lot of waste material and causes degradation of air, water, soil etc. However, by adopting innovation and best practices, the mining industry can achieve SDG. This new course will cover: concept Of sustainable development, sustainable development framework and metrics for mining industry, life cycle analysis (I-CA) and circular economy for mining industry, climate change issue and decarbonisation of mining industry, measurement of sustainability and application of remote sensing and GIS tools for sustainability measurement; case study of best sustainable solutions for mining industryINTENDED AUDIENCE: IJ.G/P.G./PhD students of Mining Eng./ Environmental Science & Eng./ Civil Eng./ Earth Science; and working Professionals from Mining IndustryPREREQUISITES:Basic Knowledge of Environmental ScienceINDUSTRY SUPPORT: All Mining Companies such asCIL. SCCL, SAIL, NTPC, NLC, HCL, NMDC, MOIL, Vedanta, Tata Steel etc.
Week 1: Mining, Economy and Society; Environmental Impact of MiningWeek 2:Concept of Sustainable Development and its application for mining industryWeek 3:Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Agenda 2030 and targets; Utility of Satellite Remote Sensing & GIS techniquesWeek 4:Application of Life Cycle Analysis for Mining IndustryWeek 5:Application of Circular economy for Mining ProjectsWeek 6:Policy issue: Land Acquisition, Social Impact Assessment, Resettlement and RehabilitationWeek 7:Sustainable development framework and metrics for Mining IndustryWeek 8:Climate Change Issues and De-carbonization of mining industryWeek 9:Sustainability measurement for miningWeek 10:Satellite Remote Sensing Techniques for sustainability measurementWeek 11:GIS Techniques for sustainability measurementWeek 12:Best Practices of Sustainable Mining — Case Studies.
Taught by
Prof. B.K. Prusty, Prof. M. D. Behera