Semiconductor Devices and Circuits
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore and NPTEL via Swayam
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This course is intended to equip any students interested in electronic materials and devices with the fundamentals of semiconductor devices. The materials covered in The course begins with fundamentals and accelerates to advanced topics in semiconductor physics. The course connects circuit performance to material and device behavior. At the end of the course, the students would learn to: 1.) Learn the important concepts related to semiconductor technology. 2.) Perform the analysis and design of semiconductor devices (electrostatics and current-voltage characteristics) from fundamental principles. 3.) Learn how to extract device parameters by suitable experiments. 4.) Engineer and innovate on device design and even construct new devices intended for special applications in circuits. There is special emphasize placed on this aspect. 5.) Learn the fundamentals of circuit design and observe how device properties and device design impact circuit behaviour (eg. dc and ac response, noise) 6.) Extend the concepts and analysis to advanced topics such as: devices based on disordered semiconductors (eg. organic semiconductors, amorphous metal oxides), flexible and printed electronics, etc.INTENDED AUDIENCE : Graduate and Senior Undergraduate Students pursuing studies in Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Electronic Materials, Physics PREREQUISITES : A background in electrical engineering helps to some extent, but this is not requiredINDUSTRY SUPPORT : Companies working in semiconductors and integrated circuits: Intel, AMD, Samsung, Texas Instruments, Analog Devices etc.
Week 1 : Excursion in Quantum MechanicsWeek 2 : Excursion in Solid State PhysicsWeek 3 : Density of States, Fermi Function and DopingWeek 4 : Recombination-Generation, Charge Transport and Continuity EquationWeek 5 : Metal-Semiconductor (MS) JunctionsWeek 6 : PN JunctionsWeek 7 : Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT)Week 8 : Metal Oxide Semiconductor Capacitors (MOSCAP) and CV CharacteristicsWeek 9 : Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFET)Week 10 : MOSFET ContinuedWeek 11 : Connections: Circuit Design to Device PhysicsWeek 12 : Thin Film Transistors
Taught by
Prof. Sanjiv Sambandan
5.0 rating, based on 1 Class Central review
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I have recently enrolled in this course and I think it provides very managed course materials.
I think it is a very great opportunity for everyone to join online courses in this pandemic situtation. And make the best use of your time.