ABOUT THE COURSE: The proposed course is intended to build foundation of radiation physics for of MD (Radiotherapy), DNB(Radiotherapy), B.Sc./Diploma in Radiotherapy Technologist’s courses , M.Sc./ Post MSc Diploma students of Medical Physics /Radiological Physics courses. The course cover vital topics with brief description and understanding.INTENDED AUDIENCE: 1. MD (Radiotherapy)2. DNB(Radiotherapy)3. B.Sc./Diploma in Radiotherapy Technologist’s courses4. M.Sc./ Post MSc Diploma students of Medical Physics / Radiological Physics coursesPREREQUISITES: B.Sc. or H.S.C. with Physics as one of the subjectINDUSTRY SUPPORT: Premier Government and Private hospitals of the country having facility of Radiation oncology Department.
Week 1:Basics of radiation Physics
Week 2:Units and measurement of radiological quantities
Week 3:Radiation therapy equipment
Week 4:Classical radiation therapy
Week 5:Brachytherapy
Week 6:Modern day radiation therapy
Week 7:Radiation protection and regulatory aspects
Week 8:Quality assurance of radiation therapy equipment
Week 2:Units and measurement of radiological quantities
Week 3:Radiation therapy equipment
Week 4:Classical radiation therapy
Week 5:Brachytherapy
Week 6:Modern day radiation therapy
Week 7:Radiation protection and regulatory aspects
Week 8:Quality assurance of radiation therapy equipment
Taught by
Prof. Abhijit Mandal, Prof. Ganeshkumar Patel