ABOUT THE COURSE:The Learners would be able to:1.Take interest and learn the subject thoroughly and engage themselves in different learning activities;2.Become self- motivated learner, develop effective study skills, and can self-monitor and regulate their academic behavior successfully;3.Differentiate among various learning modalities and can constructively redesign their own learning experiences;4.Develop reflective thinking, problem solving and collaborative learning skills to actively participate in team projects.INTENDED AUDIENCE:All the Graduate, Post-graduate, Professional education students & Technical College/Higher education teachers, Corporate trainers etc…PREREQUISITES: Minimum Graduation / All Graduates are eligibleINDUSTRY SUPPORT: All Companies / Industries / NGOs can incorporate the components of this course in their HR training programs.
Week 1: Part-I: Learning Principles
Unit - I: Introduction to Psychology of Learning
Learning: Theories and Applications
a) Behavioral Learning theories
b) Cognitive-, Bruner, Gagne
c) Constructivist-, Piaget, Vygotsky
Week 2:Motivation: Concept, Theories and types
a)Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory(Humanistic Approach)
b)Achievement Motivation & Goal Orientations
c)Learners’ Academic Self-regulation
Week 3:a)Sustainable Learning Habits of Mind
b)Prominent Theories of Motivation
c)Learners’ Engagement & Self-Efficacy
Week 4:Unit-II: Memory & Cognition
Information Processing Model of Memory-
a)Sensory Memory, Working Memory, Long-term Memory
b)Cognitive load & Meta-cognition
Week 5:c)Critical & Reflective thinking, Problem solving and Concept- mapping
Week 6:Unit-III: Learners’ Diversity & Inclusive Education
I)Learners’ diversity in the classroom
II)Different Learning styles & approaches
III)Meeting the Learners’ Diverse Needs
Week 7:IV.Advantages of Inclusive education for individuals and society
Part-II: Learning in Practice
Unit-IV: Learning Sciences
I.Transformative Learning-(TL)
Week 8:a)Transformative Learning Theory
b)Facilitating TL :Engaging Emotions
c)Simulated Learning
d)Critical Pedagogy
Week 9:II.Experiential Learning-(EL)
a) Theoretical Foundations of EL
b) Dynamic Debriefing
c) EL Methodologies
d) Applications of EL
e) Learning Styles
Week 10:III.Multimedia Learning-(ML)
a)Theoretical Foundations of ML
b) Basic Principles of ML
c) Applications in E-learning Contexts
d) Virtual Learning
e) Online Learning
f) Hybrid Learning
Week 11:IV.Social Interaction and Collaborative Learning
a) Web-based Learning (WBL)
b) Integrated E-Learning (IEL)
c) Blended Learning with Flipped Instruction
d) Project-based Learning (PL)
e) Problem-based Learning (PBL)
f) Cyber-Physical-Social Learning
Week 12:V. Personalized Learning- (PL)
a) Game-based Learning (GBL)
b) Self-directed Online Learning (SOL)
c) Mobile Learning (ML)
d) Cognitive & Affective Tutoring
e) Contemplative Learning.
Unit - I: Introduction to Psychology of Learning
Learning: Theories and Applications
a) Behavioral Learning theories
b) Cognitive-, Bruner, Gagne
c) Constructivist-, Piaget, Vygotsky
Week 2:Motivation: Concept, Theories and types
a)Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory(Humanistic Approach)
b)Achievement Motivation & Goal Orientations
c)Learners’ Academic Self-regulation
Week 3:a)Sustainable Learning Habits of Mind
b)Prominent Theories of Motivation
c)Learners’ Engagement & Self-Efficacy
Week 4:Unit-II: Memory & Cognition
Information Processing Model of Memory-
a)Sensory Memory, Working Memory, Long-term Memory
b)Cognitive load & Meta-cognition
Week 5:c)Critical & Reflective thinking, Problem solving and Concept- mapping
Week 6:Unit-III: Learners’ Diversity & Inclusive Education
I)Learners’ diversity in the classroom
II)Different Learning styles & approaches
III)Meeting the Learners’ Diverse Needs
Week 7:IV.Advantages of Inclusive education for individuals and society
Part-II: Learning in Practice
Unit-IV: Learning Sciences
I.Transformative Learning-(TL)
Week 8:a)Transformative Learning Theory
b)Facilitating TL :Engaging Emotions
c)Simulated Learning
d)Critical Pedagogy
Week 9:II.Experiential Learning-(EL)
a) Theoretical Foundations of EL
b) Dynamic Debriefing
c) EL Methodologies
d) Applications of EL
e) Learning Styles
Week 10:III.Multimedia Learning-(ML)
a)Theoretical Foundations of ML
b) Basic Principles of ML
c) Applications in E-learning Contexts
d) Virtual Learning
e) Online Learning
f) Hybrid Learning
Week 11:IV.Social Interaction and Collaborative Learning
a) Web-based Learning (WBL)
b) Integrated E-Learning (IEL)
c) Blended Learning with Flipped Instruction
d) Project-based Learning (PL)
e) Problem-based Learning (PBL)
f) Cyber-Physical-Social Learning
Week 12:V. Personalized Learning- (PL)
a) Game-based Learning (GBL)
b) Self-directed Online Learning (SOL)
c) Mobile Learning (ML)
d) Cognitive & Affective Tutoring
e) Contemplative Learning.
Taught by
Prof. Atasi Mohanty