University of Calicut and CEC via Swayam
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This course is designed to orient the teachers and teacher students about the recent trends and developments in Teaching and Learning Social Sciences. This course offers an introduction to Teaching and Learning Social Sciences, with special reference to instructional strategies, method and skills for teaching social science. The course is organized around working teachers and student-teachers in Social Science, for developing capacities to understand the theoretical framework of Instructional plan in Social Science and the ways to implement it in classrooms. The course can help the teachers and teacher students to master all the basic ideas of Teaching Social Sciences and to identify relevant psychological theories and its application in the learning of social science. The course can be taken by anybody at any level of teacher education, even by working teachers for augmenting their repository of teaching. The course content is arranged in a theory cum practical mode. This course will surely help the budding teachers as well as the working teachers to have a thorough orientation regarding the recent developments in Teaching Social Sciences including ICT Integration. This course will enable working and student teachers to have a wider outlook on the realities of classroom learning and Instruction. Once a teacher student/ teacher complete this course, he/ she can surely master in the Methodological as well as pedagogical practices of Teaching Social Sciences.
1 Day 1 Module 1 - Meaning, Nature and Scope of Social Science Day 3 Module 2 - Aims and Objectives of Teaching Social Science Day 5 Module 3 – Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Day 6 Interaction based on the three Modules covered. Day 7 Deadline for submitting assignments.2 Day 1 Module 4 - Multiple Intelligences Day 3 Module 5 – Implications of Learning Theories- Theory of Cognitive Constructivism Day 5 Module 6 – Meaningful Verbal Learning and Social Constructivism Day 6 Interaction based on the three Modules covered. Day 7 Deadline for submitting assignments.
3 Day 1 Module 7 - Planning of Instruction Day 3 Module 8 – Selecting and Sequencing Learning Activities Day 5 Module 9 – Methods of Teaching Social Studies Day 6 Interaction based on the three Modules covered. Day 7 Deadline for submitting assignments.
4 Day 1 Module 10 - Socialized Recitation, Project, Discussion and Problem Solving Methods in Social Science Day 3 Module 11 - Assignment Method, Story Telling and Source Method in Social Science Day 5 Module 12 - Innovative Methods Of Teaching Social Science Day 6 Interaction based on the three Modules covered. Day 7 Deadline for submitting assignments.
5 Day 1 Module 13 - Techniques and Strategies of Teaching Social Studies Day 3 Module 14 - Social Science Curriculum Day 5 Module 15 - Models of Teaching in Social Studies Day 6 Interaction based on the three Modules covered. Day 7 Deadline for submitting assignments.
6 Day 1 Module 16 – Instructional Media In Social Studies Day 3 Module 17 – Audio Visual Aids in Social Studies Education Day 5 Module 18 - Use of Films, Community Resources, Library, Laboratory and Museum in Social Science Teaching Day 6 Interaction based on the three Modules covered. Day 7 Deadline for submitting assignments.
7 Day 1 Module 19 - Micro Teaching – Introduction Day 3 Module 20 - Micro Teaching Procedure, Advantages and Limitations Day 5 Module 21 - Team Teaching: Concept and Practice Day 6 Interaction based on the three Modules covered. Day 7 Deadline for submitting assignments.
8 Day 1 Module 22 - Text Book and Hand Book in Social Studies Day 3 Module 23- Social Studies Teacher Day 5 Module 24 - Special Issues in Social Studies Teaching Day 6 Interaction based on the three Modules covered. Day 7 Deadline for submitting assignments.
9 Day 1 Module 25 - An Overview of Measurement and Evaluation Day 3 Module 26 - Evaluation Phases, Functions and Instructional Objectives Day 5 Module 27- Criterion-Referenced Tests and Norm Referenced Tests Day 6 Interaction based on the three Modules covered. Day 7 Deadline for submitting assignments.
10 Day 1 Module 28 - - Tools Used In Evaluation Day 3 Module 29 - Achievement Tests Day 5 Module 30 - Qualities of a Good Test Day 6 Interaction based on the three Modules covered. Day 7 Deadline for submitting assignments.
11 Day 1 Module 31- Multiple Choice Questions Day 3 Module 32 - True-False, Matching and Completion Type Questions Day 5 Module 33 - Objective Type and Short Answer Type Questions Day 6 Interaction based on the three Modules covered. Day 7 Deadline for submitting assignments.
12 Day 1 Module 34 - Essay Type Questions Day 3 Module 35 - Marking System V/S. Grading System In Educational Evaluation Day 5 Module 36 - Internal Assessment Day 6 Interaction based on the three Modules covered. Day 7 Deadline for submitting assignments.
13 Day 1 Module 37 - Recent Trends in Evaluation Day 3 Module 38 - e- Resources in Teaching and Learning of Social Science Day 5 Module 39 - Research Trends in Social Science Education Day 6 Interaction based on the three Modules covered. Day 7 Deadline for submitting assignments.
14 Day 1 Module 40 - Global trends in Social Science education Day 3 Interaction based on the Modules covered. Day 5 Revision. Day 7 Term end assessment
Taught by
Dr. A. Hameed