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ABOUT THE COURSE:This course is designed to cater the need of the undergraduate students with Sanskrit as a subject. It deals with the basic concept of sandhi-s (euphonic combinations) based on the aphorisms given by Maharsi Panini with elucidation of their derivative method and examples commonly used in literature and language. The Sandhi-s have been taken from Acahrya Varadaraja’s Laghusiddhantkaumdi and it gives an overview of the language structure within the domain of euphonic combinations. This course may also be beneficial to the aspirants of various competitive examinations and the readers enthusiast to read and understand texts written in Sanskrit.INTENDED AUDIENCE: U.G. students; NET aspirantsPREREQUISITES: No special requirements except Intermediate language skillsINDUSTRY SUPPORT: Academics, Industries related to language processing, translation might value this course.