IMAD, India's largest MOOC, is back and it's bigger and better than before. This course will cover the basics of the Internet, building a web application, databases, performance and security, and building a mobile application. In addition, the course will have an extensive set of Practical Tutorials which will help students get a feel for real-world development. IMAD offers opportunities for internship interviews with our partner companies for the course toppers, thus helping the best students hone their application development skills in the industry.
Introduction to Modern Application Development
Indian Institute of Technology Madras and NPTEL via Swayam
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The course content will be covered in 8 weeks. Each week of theoretical lectures will be followed by a practical, hands-on tutorial covering the concepts discussed in the previous week. These lectures will consist of programming experiments and assignments which will help the student gain a practical understanding of the ideas discussed before. The topics covered over the 8 weeks will be -
Introduction to the Internet
Building a web application
Performance and security
Building a mobile application