ABOUT THE COURSE:This course covers the foundational elements of Graphic Design, including Basic Design Principles, Typography, Publication Design and Branding & Identity. It introduces the concepts of abstracting visual information through pictograms, icons, symbols, and the integration of typography to craft compelling visual narratives. The course is aimed to inspire and stimulate innovative solutions that make information engaging, informative, entertaining, and thought-provoking, fostering critical thinking.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Bachelor and Masters level students, Working professionals in the Industry, freelancers, entrepreneursINDUSTRY SUPPORT: Companies working in the field of IT (UI/UX design)such as TCS, Microsoft, Adobe, Google, Mindtickle ect. Also suitable for graphic design jobs such as branding, Marketing and Advertising, packaging and publication design.
Week 1: Introduction to Design (Course plan and content)Week 2:Introduction to Design ElementsWeek 3:Introduction to Design PrinciplesWeek 4:Exploring gestalt PrinciplesWeek 5:Introduction to typographyWeek 6:Introduction to Identity DesignWeek 7:Introduction to Print and publicationWeek 8:Review & Discussion
Taught by
Prof.Mohammad Shahid, Prof.Saurav Khuttiya Deori