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Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics



The proposed course titled “ Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics “ is erroneously taken by some writers subscribing to the old order as an all-encompassing affair for the reason that it, to a considerable extent, makes the traditional study of comparative government redundant by extending its frontiers beyond the scope of some major contemporary political systems of the western world .The motivating idea behind its is that the study of political organization, instead of remaining confined to the superstructures of governmental departments of certain developed countries, should be widen towards a systematic analysis of problems and issues relating to the struggle for power at different levels in as many countries of the world as possible.The course would be worthwhile to suggest that the study of comparative politics should be made with this point in view that its end is not merely the acquisition of more and more knowledge of the political institution and forces of some selected countries of the world ,it is, in addition to that, significantly connected with knowledge of the empirical world of ‘political’ man and his ‘power oriented’ associational life.




Title of Video and Reading text/Lecture/ppt

First Week

Comparative Government and Politics

Meaning, Nature and Scope of Comparative Politics

Meaning and Features of Comparative Government

Growth of Comparative Politics

Comparative Government and Politics: Critical Appraisal

Second Week

Major approaches

Major Approaches: Meaning and Nature of Major Approaches, and Philosophical Approach

Major Approaches: Historical Approach and Institutional Approach

Major Approaches: Sociological Approach and Systems Approach

Major Approaches: Psychological Approach and Behavioural Approach

Third Week

Structural –Functional and Input-Output Analysis

Structural – Functional Analysis- subtle implications and basic assumptions.

Structural - functionalism in Political science-Analysis of Easton, Almond and Kaplan.

Input-Output Analysis: Implications and General Characteristics

Input-Output Analysis in Comparative Politics: Interpretations of David Easton & Gabriel A. Almond

Fourth Week

Political Communication

Political Communication: Nature and Meaning of the Approach, Classification of Basic Concepts

Political Communication: Functional Aspects of the Approach

Quantification of Political Communication

Exponents of the Communication Approach, Critical Appraisal.

Fifth Week

Political Development

Meaning, Diversity of Definitions and Pye’s Development Syndrome

Concept of Political development

Political Development : The Issue of Problems and Crises

Model of Stages and Search for an Approach, Marxian Model

Sixth Week

Political Modernisation, Political Culture and Political Ideology

Political Modernisation: Comprehensive Implications and Dimensions, Stages of Political Modernisation

Political Modernization and Social Change

Political Culture: Meaning, Components; Concepts of Secularisation and the issue of Political Stability and Change

Ideology and Political Culture, Political Systems, Critical Appraisals

Political Ideology – Meaning, Nature and Characteristics, Political Ideology and Political power, Ideologies and the Nature of Political Power, Party System

Seventh Week

Political Participation, Party Politics and Political Parties

Meaning and Forms of Political Participation, Classification of Citizens on the Basis of Political Participation and Determinants of Political Participation

Party politics : Momentous Importance of the subject in recent times, broad functional dimension of Party Politics and Meaning

Nature, Essential Implications, Determinants and Functions of a Political Party

A Typological Illustration: Recent Paradigm of Sartori –Single- Party, Bi- Party & Multi - Party System

Party Systems: Western and Non- western Paradigms, Operational Dimensions of Party System, Peculiar case of the Communist Party and Critical Appraisal

Eighth Week

Pressure Groups

Pressure Groups: Meaning, Nature, Features and Kinds

Pressure Groups: Existence and Articulation of Pressure Group Politics

Pressure Groups: Techniques of Pressure Groups

Pressure Groups: Determinants of Pressure Group Politics

Ninth Week


Concept of Bureaucracy: Liberal and Marxist Interpretations, Functions and Role

Theories of Bureaucracy, Organisation of Bureaucracy

Bureaucracy and Military, Varieties of Bureaucratic Hold and Politicisation of Bureaucracy

Bureaucracy and Third World, Controlling Bureaucracy

Tenth Week

Separation of Powers and Forms of Government

Meaning, Classical and Modern Interpretations, Main exponents: Montesquieu’s Classical Contribution for the Protection of Individual Liberty

Separation of Powers in the United States, Practical Application of the Theory of Separation of Powers , Critical Evaluation

Parliamentary and Presidential Form of Government

Unitary and Federal Government

Eleventh Week

Constitutionalism and Constitution

Constitutionalism – History of Development

Features of Constitutionalism in Contemporary Times and Problems of Modern Constitutionalism

Constitution : Meaning and Kinds

Requisites of A good Constitution, Similarities in USA and Indian Constitution



Democracy and Dictatorship

Democracy: Meaning, Forms and Basic Principles

Democracy: Merits and Demerits, Conditions essential for the Success of Democracy

Democracy: Case of Developed Countries


Thirteenth Week

Historical Context of Modern Government




Fourteenth Week

Historical Context of Modern Government


Decolonisation and Post-Colonial Society


Taught by



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