ABOUT THE COURSE: This course provides in-depth knowledge about the functions, principles, and rules governing international trade as regulated by the WTO. This course is designed to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of global trade practices, trade agreements, dispute resolution mechanisms, and the role of the WTO in facilitating trade relations.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Law students, MBA students, Economics students.PREREQUISITES: Any Degree HolderINDUSTRY SUPPORT: All Industries and businesses
International Trade Law
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and NPTEL via Swayam
- Write review
Week 1:
1. Introduction to world trade
2. Historical perspective of international trade
3. History of GATT to WTO
Week 2:
4. Agriculture Agreement
5. Market access, Domestic support, Export competition
6. Different “boxes” in domestic support
7. Food security and agriculture agreement
Week 3:
8. Antidumping agreement
9. Determination of injury
10. Definition of domestic industry
11. Causal link
12. Provisional measures and dispute settlement
Week 4:
13. Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures
14. Basic obligations
15. Assessment of risk
16. Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement
17. Commitment and standards
Week 5:
18. General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
19. Different modes of services
20. Opening of the service sector in India
21. Trade-Related Investment Measures Agreement (TRIMs)
22. Local content and WTO disputes
Week 6:
23. Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs)
24. Minimum standards for various categories of intellectual property rights
25. Compulsory licensing
Week 7:
26. Agreement on Customs Valuation
27. Agreement on Government Procurement
Week 8:
28. Dispute Settlement in WTO
29. Panel Procedures
30. Appellate Body
1. Introduction to world trade
2. Historical perspective of international trade
3. History of GATT to WTO
Week 2:
4. Agriculture Agreement
5. Market access, Domestic support, Export competition
6. Different “boxes” in domestic support
7. Food security and agriculture agreement
Week 3:
8. Antidumping agreement
9. Determination of injury
10. Definition of domestic industry
11. Causal link
12. Provisional measures and dispute settlement
Week 4:
13. Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures
14. Basic obligations
15. Assessment of risk
16. Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement
17. Commitment and standards
Week 5:
18. General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
19. Different modes of services
20. Opening of the service sector in India
21. Trade-Related Investment Measures Agreement (TRIMs)
22. Local content and WTO disputes
Week 6:
23. Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs)
24. Minimum standards for various categories of intellectual property rights
25. Compulsory licensing
Week 7:
26. Agreement on Customs Valuation
27. Agreement on Government Procurement
Week 8:
28. Dispute Settlement in WTO
29. Panel Procedures
30. Appellate Body
Taught by
Prof. KD Raju