This course is equivalent to one refresher course in Interdisciplinary area.The objective of this course is to provide an exposure to the development of Science and Technology in India, and is primarily meant for teachers and research scholars in various universities and colleges.Science and technology have been the part of every civilization, and people belonging to all the sections of society have contributed to the advancement of different branches of science and technology all through the ages.
Till recent times, the history of science and technology has been primarily eurocentric in nature, attributing most of the development of science and technology to Greece and Rome in the ancient period, and Europe in the medieval and modern periods, which were then transmitted to the rest of the world. This course will highlight important concepts in mathematics, astronomy, medicine, etc., that originated and developed in India. In the study of Indian science and technology, the often neglected role and contributions of local people, craftsmen, artisans,farmers, forest dwellers in the development of sustainable and locally adaptable technologies and traditional scientific knowledge will also be highlighted
ThiscoursewillimpartauthenticknowledgeofIndia’sscientificandtechnological traditions and will show through case studieshowsome of them are stillrelevantin today’s world. It would also try to provide an understanding of the socio-cultural and philosophical context in which the various scientific and technological ideas got developed in India and thereby help in repositioning India’s contributions inscience andtechnology.
Thecoursecomprisesof40modules,withlecturesofaboutthirtyminutesdevoted toeachmodule.Theoverallstructureofthecourseare given in the outlay of course.