ABOUT THE COURSE: Geotechnical Engineering-II, a follow up course of GE-I and broadly designed to help students getting a better picture of practice of geotechnical Engineering to solve the real-life problem. Also this course is highly recommended for practicing consultants and engineers.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Civil Engineers.PREREQUISITES: Geotechnical Engineering-I.INDUSTRY SUPPORT: All companies and organization that deal with the Civil infrastructure development and research.
Week 1: Introduction; Shear Strength of soils
Week 2:Direct Shear Box Test; Interpretation of Direct Shear Test Results; Kf line
Week 3:Selection of Parameter (SS); Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils
Week 4:Triaxial Test; Interpretation of Triaxial test Results
Week 5:Interpretation of Triaxial test Results(contd.); Pore Pressure Parameters
Week 6:Stress Paths; Plastic Equilibrium in Soils; Mechanisms of Development of Plastic Equilibrium in Soils
Week 7:Earth Pressure Analysis (Trial Wedge) Analysis of Completely Submerged Retaining wall
Week 8:Gravity Walls Supporting Cohesive Soil Mass (Backfill); Sloping Backfill; Earth Pressure Analysis
Week 9:Sheet Pile Wall Introduction; Analysis of Sheet Piles
Week 10:Anchored Bulkheads; Cantilever Sheet Piles; Lateral Earth Pressure Braced Sheet Pile Walls
Week 11:slope stability; Slope Instability
Week 12:Analysis of Finite Slopes; Finite Slopes Friction Circle Method; Slip Circle Method
Taught by
Prof. Devendra Narain Singh