This course on engineering hydrology aims to impart knowledge on the processes that secure the most valuable natural resource: WATER. It deals with the complex interaction and pathways of water connecting atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere. This course will give an idea on how the hydrological science is mathematically quantified for engineering applications to manage water resources. The knowledge acquired in this course will be pre-requisite for different advanced level courses in post-graduate. The course starts with the explanation of hydrological processes related to atmosphere, surface and subsurface regime. This is followed by the explanation on hydrological analysis, which is mandatory for the design of hydraulic structures. The course ends with basic discussion on hydrological statistics important for dealing significant amount of data and its uncertainties, which forms the backbone of hydrological analysis.INTENDED AUDIENCE : Undergraduate students in Civil EngineeringPREREQUISITES :NilINDUSTRY SUPPORT :Basic civil engineering infrastructural companies.
Week1: Course contents, Hydrologic cycle, Global water budget, Catchment, System concept, Reynolds transport theorem, Conservation laws
Week 2: Atmospheric water, Water vapor dynamics, Precipitable water, Precipitation, Types of precipitation
Week 3: Terminal velocity, Thunder storm cell model, Forms of precipitation, Measurement of Rainfall, Rain gauge network, Representation and analysis of rainfall, Average rainfall
Week 4: Evaporation, Measurement and estimation, Evapotranspiration, estimation and measurement
Week 5: Subsurface water, Unsaturated flow, Infiltration, Measurement of infiltration, Estimation of abstractions
Week 6: Surface water, Catchment storage concept, Runoff generation and factors affecting runoff, Measurement streamflow, Rainfall-Runoff relationships, Streamflow hydrograph and Direct runoff hydrograph
Week 7: Hydrograph analysis, Response functions of linear systems, Unit hydrograph theory
Week 8: S hydrograph, Instantaneous unit hydrograph, Synthetic unit hydrograph
Week 9: Flood routing, Reservoir routing, Channel routing
Week10: Probabilistic and statistical methods for of hydrologic data, Fitting probability distribution
Week 11: Probability distributions for hydrologic variables, Frequency analysis, Extreme value distributions
Week 12: Estimation of design floods, Frequency Analysis
Week 2: Atmospheric water, Water vapor dynamics, Precipitable water, Precipitation, Types of precipitation
Week 3: Terminal velocity, Thunder storm cell model, Forms of precipitation, Measurement of Rainfall, Rain gauge network, Representation and analysis of rainfall, Average rainfall
Week 4: Evaporation, Measurement and estimation, Evapotranspiration, estimation and measurement
Week 5: Subsurface water, Unsaturated flow, Infiltration, Measurement of infiltration, Estimation of abstractions
Week 6: Surface water, Catchment storage concept, Runoff generation and factors affecting runoff, Measurement streamflow, Rainfall-Runoff relationships, Streamflow hydrograph and Direct runoff hydrograph
Week 7: Hydrograph analysis, Response functions of linear systems, Unit hydrograph theory
Week 8: S hydrograph, Instantaneous unit hydrograph, Synthetic unit hydrograph
Week 9: Flood routing, Reservoir routing, Channel routing
Week10: Probabilistic and statistical methods for of hydrologic data, Fitting probability distribution
Week 11: Probability distributions for hydrologic variables, Frequency analysis, Extreme value distributions
Week 12: Estimation of design floods, Frequency Analysis
Taught by
Prof. Sreeja Pekkat