Week 1
Basic Circuit Analysis
Resistive elements – Ohm’s Law Resistors in series and parallel circuits — Kirchoffs laws
Week 2
Mesh current and node voltage – methods of analysis.
Week 3
Network reduction: voltage and current division, source transformation — star delta conversion.
Week 4
Network Theorems
Thevenins and Norton Theorems — Superposition Theorem
Week 5
Maximum power transfer theorem — Reciprocity Theorem — Millman’s Theorem-Duality in electric circuits
Week 6
Single Phase A.C Series Circuits
Generation of alternating voltage-Phasor representation of sinusoidal quantities-
R, L, C circuit elements its voltage and current response
Week 7
R-L, R-C, R-L-C combination of A.C series circuit-impedance, reactance, impedance triangle, Power factor, active power, reactive power, apparent power, power triangle and vector diagram
Week 8
Resonance, Bandwidth, Quality factor, and voltage magnification in series R-L, R-C, R- L-C circuit
Week 9
Single Phase A.C Parallel Circuits
R-L, R-C and R-L-C parallel combination of A.C. circuits- Impedance, reactance, phasor diagram-impedance triangle R-L, R-C, R-L-C parallel A.C. circuits
Week 10
Power factor, active power, apparent power, reactive power, power triangle -Resonance in parallel R-L, R-C, R-L-C circuit, Bandwidth, Quality factor, and voltage magnification
Week 11
Three Phase Circuits
Phasor and complex representation of three-phase supply -Phase sequence and polarity Types of three-phase connections,
Week 12
Phase and line quantities in three-phase star and delta system- Balanced and unbalanced load, a neutral shift in unbalanced load -Three-phase power, active, reactive, and apparent power in star and delta system.
Taught by
Dr. R. Suja Mani Malar