Chapter No.
Module No.
Module Name
Chapter 1
Module 1
Micro economics
Assignment 1
Chapter 2
Module 2
Consumer's Budget
Module 3
Demand Theory with Utility Analysis
Module 4
Demand Theory with Indifference Curve Analysis
Module 5
Demand and Elasticity of Demand
Assignment 2
Chapter 3
Module 6
Production Function
Module 7
Law of Variable Proportions
Module 8
Concept of Cost – Part 1
Module 9
Concept of Cost – Part 2
Assignment 3
Chapter 4
Module 10
Forms of Market
Module 11
Short Run Equilibrium Under Prefect Competition
Module 12
Module 13
Elasticity of Supply
Assignment 4
Chapter 5
Module 14
Equilibrium, Excess Demand and Excess Supply
Assignment 5
Chapter 6
Module 15
Monopolistic Competition
Module 16
Module 17
Assignment 6
Final Assessment
Taught by
Dr. Jaya Singh