ABOUT THE COURSE: Digital logic and Circuits are the branch of electronics that deals with the representation and manipulation of data in digital form. It is based on the concept of Boolean algebra which uses mathematical systems to represent and manipulate logical statements. It involves the use of combinational circuits such as logic gates, adders, subtractors, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, comparators, code converters, and sequential circuits like Lathes, Flip-flops, Counter, registers, etc. to process and transmit digital signals. It is used in a wide range of applications, including computer systems, communication systems, and control systems. Some of the key concepts in digital electronics include Boolean algebra, logic gates, code converters, flip-flop counters, and registers.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Undergraduate and Post Graduate StudentsPREREQUISITES:Elementary knowledge of calculus and linear algebra upto 12th standardINDUSTRY SUPPORT: Industries which require hardware competency.
Week 1- Number System: Weighted and Unweighted Codes, Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal numbers; Fixed and Floating Point Number Representations, number base conversion, Complements, Binary Arithmetic: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, BCD Code.Week 2- Introduction to Boolean algebra, laws of Boolean algebra, logic gates, universal logic gates, POS and SOP notations, Canonical logic forms.
Week 3- Simplification of Boolean Functions: Laws of Boolean algebra and K-Maps, Tabulation Method.
Week 4- Combinational Circuits: Design Procedure of Combinational Circuits, Adders, Subtractors, Code Converters, Magnitude Comparator.
Week 5- Combinational Circuits: Encoder, Decoder, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer and its Applications.
Week 6- ROM, PLAs, PALs etc. and implementation of Boolean function through these ROM, PLAs & PAL.
Week 7- Sequential Circuits: Flip-Flops: SR, D, JK, T, Master/Slave F/F, Edge-trigerred F/F, Excitation Tables;
Week 8- Registers, Counters: synchronous and asynchronous, Design of Counters, Shift Registers, RAM.
Week 3- Simplification of Boolean Functions: Laws of Boolean algebra and K-Maps, Tabulation Method.
Week 4- Combinational Circuits: Design Procedure of Combinational Circuits, Adders, Subtractors, Code Converters, Magnitude Comparator.
Week 5- Combinational Circuits: Encoder, Decoder, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer and its Applications.
Week 6- ROM, PLAs, PALs etc. and implementation of Boolean function through these ROM, PLAs & PAL.
Week 7- Sequential Circuits: Flip-Flops: SR, D, JK, T, Master/Slave F/F, Edge-trigerred F/F, Excitation Tables;
Week 8- Registers, Counters: synchronous and asynchronous, Design of Counters, Shift Registers, RAM.
Taught by
Prof. Awadhesh Kumar