ABOUT THE COURSE: Stage fright is a kind of Physiological, cognitive and behavioral anxiety which is more based on the future happenings than the present. It is a kind of performance anxiety, a state of anxiety or fear which occurs when an individual faces the audience. Stage fright is remarkably common, and many performers never seek help. With proper care and practice the problem of anxiety can be managed.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Young researcher, Post-graduate and Under-graduate students and young teachersPREREQUISITES: Basic knowledge of language INDUSTRY SUPPORT: All the important companies and industries
1. Stage Fright - Who Needs It? Getting Rid of Stage Fright for Good (English, Paperback, Goodman Gordon)( Buy on Amazon. Com)
2. In The SpotLight: Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking and Performing by Janet Esposito(Buy on Amazon. Com)
3. Speak With No Fear by Mike Acker(Buy on Amazon. com)
4. Public Speaking: Speak Like a Pro by James W. Williams (Buy on Amazon.com)
5. Ten Secrets to Overcoming Stage Fright by Dean Janice( Buy on Flipkart)
2. In The SpotLight: Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking and Performing by Janet Esposito(Buy on Amazon. Com)
3. Speak With No Fear by Mike Acker(Buy on Amazon. com)
4. Public Speaking: Speak Like a Pro by James W. Williams (Buy on Amazon.com)
5. Ten Secrets to Overcoming Stage Fright by Dean Janice( Buy on Flipkart)
Taught by
Prof. Smita Jha