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Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Conservation & Project Management of Baoli Water Systems

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi via Swayam

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ABOUT THE COURSE:The significance of water conservation is now very well recognised at the global level. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) also emphasize on water conservation directly under Goal no 06- Clean water and sanitation and Goal no 14- Life below water. Also the SDG’s 03, 11, 12, 13 and 15 relate to water conservation.In India, many projects under various government schemes and plans have also been undertaken in recent years for the revival and restoration of water systems. Conservation and revival of water structures like baoli is also going on large scale.The course deals in appropriate detailing the issues related to hydrology and modelling to interest people from other engineering backgrounds who wish to pursue conservation Baolies and natural water systemsObjectives and learning outcomes:1. This course aims at generating awareness about the significance of water in human habitation.2. Further, it will enhance the understanding and knowledge of heritage of water structures focusing specially on the Baolis.3. The course will also impart the skill set of project management of conservation projects.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Students/ Conservationists/ ArchitecturePREREQUISITES: Enrolled in programs mentioned in Sr. No. 5INDUSTRY SUPPORT: Conservation Firms like INTACH, AKTC, ASI etc.


Week 1:
Lecture # 01 Water structures and architecture of India
1. Historical context of water in India
2. Evolution of water architecture e.g. wells, tanks, kund, ghat, jam mahal, baoli etc
Case Studies
1. Anangpal Tal/ Surajkund
2. Hauz Khas/ Hauz e Shamshi
3. Jahaz Mahal
4. Satpula
5. Agrasen ki Baoli
6. Wazirabad Barrage
7. Dwarka Baoli
8. Mahipalpur Bund
9. Bridge at Lodhi Garden, Hazrat Nizamuddin
10. Kool system
11. Qanat system

Lecture# 02 Baolis in India and their types and geographic distribution
1. What are Baolis.
2. Major Baolis in India and their locations.
3. Types of Baolis e.g. Simple, Complex, Secular, Religious,
4. Form based types: Straight, L-Shaped, T-Shaped, Cross Shaped, Circular etc.
Case Studies Relevant multiple case studies.
Week 2:
Lecture # 03 Significance of Baolis, Baolis as Water Harvesting structure, Baolis as Sacred structure
Contents Significance of Baolis -
1. Water Harvesting Structure
2. Sacred and religious significance
3. Social spaces
4. Architectural significance
5. Political significance.
Case Studies
1. World Heritage Site – Rani ki Vav

Lecture # 04 The context of hydrology in Baoli Contents Relationship of hydrology with Baoli.
1. Baoli and aquifer.
2. Baoli and rainwater collection
3. Baoli and surface drainage
4. Baoli and ground water extraction
5. Baoli and ground water recharge
6. Baoli and micro-shed, watershed
7. Baoli and urban waterlogging prevention
Case Studies Qutb shahi Heritage Park Baoli restoration
Week 3:
Lecture # 05 Baolis as Social space, Architecture of Baoli Contents Architecture of Baoli.
1. Form of Baoli.
2. Layout of Baoli
3. Spatial configuration
4. Category of spaces e.g. water spaces, religious spaces, social spaces.
5. Social functions of Baoli Case Studies Relevant
case studies

Lecture # 06 Law – Concurrent list, Protection and Ownership of Baolis
1. Ownership of Baolis.
2. Who Owns the Baolis e.g. Central Govt, State Govt, Municipality, Panchayat, Trust, NGO, Private .
3. Protection of Baoli e.g. World Heritage Sites, ASI protected, State Archeology Dept Protection,
4. Local Protection, INTACH listing etc. Informal protection under religious trusts, NGOs. Etc.
Case Studies Relevant case studies

Lecture # 07 Baolis as Heritage, Need for Conservation of Baoli
Contents Baolis as heritage:
1. What is heritage,
2. Attributes, Value and Significance of Baolis.
3. Need for the conservation of Baoli e.g. Heritage, Water, Social, Economical, Cultural etc.
Case Studies Relevant case studies
Week 4:
Lecture # 08 The decline of Baolis
1. When did the decline start
2. Loss of relevance of Baolis
3. Type of Decline e.g. dumping of waste, pollution in water, drying up of water, encroachment, change of use, structural degradation
4. Filling up of Baolis
Case Studies Relevant case studies

Lecture # 09 The causes of decline of Baolis, Structural decay of Baolis
Contents Causes of decline
1. Hydrological causes e.g. Drying up, fragmentation of aquifer etc.
2. Social Causes e.g. loss of relevance, loss of function
3. Maintenance related e.g. Waste, Desilting, Cleanliness and Upkeep, Neglect
4. Economic Causes e.g. lack of funding, ownership disputes etc.
5. Structural decay e.g. Structural Distress, Failure, Defects, Cracks, etc.
6. Urban Planning, Urban Expansion etc
Case Studies Relevant case studies
Week 5:
Lecture # 10 Archival research, Approaches and Methods for the conservation of Baolis
1. Establishing the relevance and significance of Baoli e.g. Hydrological, Social, Religious, Historical relevance.
2. Archival information in knowing the past of the Baoli
3. Structural Conservation
4. Spatial Conservation
5. Hydrological Conservation e.g. Restoring the water quality and availability
6. Restoring the social and cultural functions.
Case Studies Relevant case studies

Lecture # 11 Impact of Urbanisation in the decay of Baolis
1. Trends in Urbanisation in India
2. Decay of Baolis e.g. Encroachment, Informal settlements, Densification, Infrastructural transformation e.g. street concretisation, drainage, sewerage, piped water supply network.
Case Studies Relevant case studies
Week 6:
Lecture # 12 Theory of Conservation – Restoration/ Preservation/ Reconstruction
1. Levels of Intervention in Conservation e.g. Repair, Restoration, Preservation, Reconstruction, Renewal, Reuse etc.
Case Studies Relevant case studies

Lecture # 13 Introduction to the Principles of Conservation
1. Charters and Declarations- Venice Charter, Burra Charter
2. Elaboration on Authenticity and Change - Nara document
3. AMASR Act
4. INTACH Charter
Case Studies Relevant case studies

Lecture # 14 Water and Hydrological Conservation of Baolis
Contents Water Conservation
1. Understanding the water network of a Baoli e.g. Aquifer and Microshed
2. Identification of issues e.g. drying up, decline in ground water table, fragmentation of micro-shed, pollution of water in the Baoli, dumping of waste in the baoli.
3. Methods of water conservation e.g. cleaning, decontamination of polluted water, preventing sources of pollution, restoring water source, defragmenting micro shed, rain water harvesting.
Case Studies Relevant case studies
Week 7:
Lecture # 15 Structural Conservation of Baolis
1. Structural Strengthening techniques
2. Water proofing, seepage treatment etc
Case Studies Hazrat Nizamuddin Baoli

Lecture # 16 Architectural documentation, Documentation Methods of Baolis
1. What is Architectural Documentation
2. Purpose of doing architectural documentation
3. Components of architectural documentation e.g. drawings, text, photos, sketches etc
4. Measured drawings - method of measurement and drafting.
5. Types of drawings - plan, elevation, section, details etc
6. Use of CAD and other softwares.
7. Photography, photogrammetry etc.
8. Laser scanning and modeling.
9. Site Survey
Case Studies Hazrat Nizamuddin Baoli Hyderabad Baolis
Week 8:
Lecture # 17 Condition Assessment
1. What is condition assessment
2. Purpose of condition assessment
3. Listing of defects
4. Classification of defects
5. Photo-documentation of defects and condition
6. Condition assessment drawings
7. Quantity takeoff sheets
Case Studies Hyderabad Baolis

Lecture # 18 Statement of Significance
1. Attributes
2. Values
3. Significance
4. e.g. Historical, Architectural, Technological, Associational, Social, Cultural, Intangible etc.
Case Studies Rani ki Vav
Week 9:
Lecture # 19 Landscape Restoration
1. What is landscape restoration
2. Purpose of landscape restoration.
3. Methods of Landscape restoration e.g. Water, Vegetation, Land etc
4. Agenda of water in landscape design and planning.
Case Studies Relevant case studies

Lecture # 20 Conservation Plan
1. What is Conservation Plan
2. Components of Conservation Plan
3. Purpose of Conservation Plan
4. Missing dimension of delivery process e.g. BOQ, Estimates, Project Management.
5. Post project management.
Case Studies Relevant case studies

Lecture # 21 Stakeholder Analysis, Consultation, Community linkages
1. Defining Stakeholders,
2. What is Stakeholder Analysis
3. Identification of Stakeholders,
4. Types of Stakeholders
5. Stakeholder matrix - Power and Interest
6. Action- Monitor, Engage, Manage, Satisfy
7. Force Field Analysis
8. What is stakeholder consultation
9. Need of stakeholder consultation
10. Method of stakeholder consultation 4. Community linkages
Case Studies Dargah Committee, Hazrat Nizamuddin
Week 10:
Lecture # 22 Water Management, Heritage Bye-laws
Contents Heritage statutory provisions and other bye-laws Heritage protection zones; Protected zone, regulated zone, buffer zone Water catchment zone Overlapping/conflict of water catchment zone with the protected zone Limitation of heritage bye laws and statutory provisions to safeguarding wider area management for water percolation and recharge Connecting water, heritage and sustainability narrative for public involvement Hindrances and way forward for adapting Baolies for adaptive tourism potential Case Studies for demonstration of plight of dereliction and neglect in spite of legal provisions

Lecture # 23 Hydrological (Environmental) issues in Baolis, Environmental impact assessment
Contents Explaining role of Baoli system in environmental context: Role of hydrological structure Defining ecosystem for Baoli system Discussing EIA and EMP for management of vulnerabilities for architectural value elements Role of scientific and technical evaluation of hydrological data in developing DPRs Understanding social impacts and harness its value Case Studies to demonstrate good and no so good experiences with less than desirable understanding of environmental issues

Lecture # 24 Pre-feasibility / Feasibility, Resource generation, Specifications/ Estimates, Craftsmanship, Contracts Contents Preparing DPR: developing background of project, defining tangible and intangible outcomes, defining social and cultural values, enlisting of stakeholders and defining their interests, defining scope of project as outcomes Documentation of resource requirement and its validation with respect to value Identification of consents, approvals and community involvement linkages Process of developing specifications Technical studies and research in authenticity of the project outcome Defining sustainability framework for post-conservation Defining time lines Preparing rough cost estimates and cost plan and financing plan securing approvals, explaining significance of documented Defining skill sets and execution competencies Case Studies
Week 11:
Lecture # 25 Introduction to the Project Management
Contents Basics of Project Management Baoli Conservation project deliverable and priorities (incl. phasing) Basic proposal decisions of PM required, e.g. time, cost and scope Defining coordination and planning Challenges in Project Management Case Studies: Explain with experiences

Lecture # 26 Method of Project Management
Contents Defining Baoli constraints and locational challenge Explaining techniques and their application Defining Baoli Revival Project Plan: Time, cost, quality (QA/QC) Type of execution arrangement Team structure Procurement plan Cost and time risk analysis Understanding work components and WBS Logical workflow Estimating skill requirement, productivity Identifying enabling structures / arrangement (scaffolds, protection of works) Risk analysis for Baoli as damage prevention during work Preparation of time schedule Case Studies Explaining through sample examples from such projects, explained through on-site technicalities on actual works

Lecture # 27 Preparing project management chart for Conservation of Baoli Project.
Contents Structure of Project Management Plan Preparation of: Time monitoring plan Cost control plan Labour and technical resource deployment schedule Laboratories and testing facility Handling and storage of sensitive materials Demonstration of CPM / PERT charts Case Studies for explaining relevance through case examples of time lapses
Week 12:
Lecture # 28 Project Management of Conservation Projects: IT Application Contents Role of IT enabled construction project management Demonstration of MS Project and Primavera for project management Case Studies for demonstration of a sample Baoli Revival Project

Lecture # 29 Project Management of Conservation Projects
Contents Challenges in implementation of Baoli Revival Construction project Relevance of training and skill development Post completion evaluation of the project and documentation of leanings Planning use-phase facility management for upkeep and financial resource generation Marketing Baoli Conservation as heritage tourism potential Integrating local communities in tourism potential for community ownership Demonstrating tangible outcomes as: Heritage value generation in communities, awareness Revival of cultural values Demonstrating water harvesting and ground water conservation Case Studies Explaining on case examples relevance of quality and problem on site, interviews with project people as how they could have been benefited by structured approach

Lecture # 30 External Area development, landscaping, Post Conservation Management of Baoli
Contents Landscape design in heritage context Creating nuisance free safe external development Management of drainage through landscape site planning Sub soil and groundwater studies for sustainable plantation planning Integrating safety, security and amenities, public conveniences, merchandising for sustaining investment (including illumination for recreational and security purpose) Strategizing check for encroachments Integrating barrier free access Management plan for upkeep, maintenance, attending to repair work, cleaning of ponding Signage and wayfinding preparing budget for resource generation, managing visitors, displaying history, provision of watch and ward apparatus, Case Studies Show case best examples for promotion of heritage tourism, involvement of community

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