INTENDED AUDIENCE : Chemical Engineering, Energy Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Petrochemical engineering, BiotechnologyPREREQUISITES : Linear algebra, First course in reaction engineering, Heat and mass transferINDUSTRY SUPPORT : Reliance, HPCL, BPCL, RCF, Other chemical, pharmaceutical and petrochemical companies
Chemical Reaction Engineering II
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and NPTEL via Swayam
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Multiphase catalytic and non-catalytic reactors are ubiquitously found in chemical, biochemical and petrochemical industries for manufacturing variety of useful products. Effective design of such reactors for improved productivity requires detailed understanding of the underlying principles that govern their functioning. This second level course on chemical reaction engineering will extensively cover design of fluid-solid catalytic and non- catalytic reactors. Moreover, residence time distribution is an important aspect that is often used for various fault- diagnosis purposes. This course also covers various aspects of RTD and its applicability in designing non-ideal reactors. The material covered in this course will build on the basic topics of the first level chemical reaction engineering course.
INTENDED AUDIENCE : Chemical Engineering, Energy Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Petrochemical engineering, BiotechnologyPREREQUISITES : Linear algebra, First course in reaction engineering, Heat and mass transferINDUSTRY SUPPORT : Reliance, HPCL, BPCL, RCF, Other chemical, pharmaceutical and petrochemical companies
INTENDED AUDIENCE : Chemical Engineering, Energy Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Petrochemical engineering, BiotechnologyPREREQUISITES : Linear algebra, First course in reaction engineering, Heat and mass transferINDUSTRY SUPPORT : Reliance, HPCL, BPCL, RCF, Other chemical, pharmaceutical and petrochemical companies
Week 1: Introduction, Introduction to catalysis and catalytic processes, Catalyst properties and classification, Steps in catalysis, Adsorption isothermWeek 2: Surface reaction, Rate controlling steps and Rate law, Rate law: Pseudo-steady state hypothesis, Heterogeneous data analysis for reactor design
Week 3:Design of reactors: PBR and CSTR, Case study: Chemical Vapor Deposition, Catalyst deactivation
Week 4: Catalyst deactivation: Reactor design, Diffusional effects: Introduction, Internal diffusion effects: Model development, Thiele modulus, Concentration profile
Week 5: Internal effectiveness factor, Falsification of kinetics, External mass transport limitations
Week 6: Mass transfer coefficient, Mass transfer to a single particle with reaction. Packed-bed reactor design, Mass transfer coefficient in Packed-beds, Example problemsWeek 7: Overall effectiveness factor, Identification of internal diffusion- and reaction-limited regimes, Packed-bed reactor design, Generalized criterion
Week 8: Network of first order reactions, Use of experimental data, Packed-bed reactor design with external and internal mass transfer limitations, Fluidized bed reactor design
Week 9: Fluidized bed reactor design, Fluid-solid non-catalytic reactions
Week 10: Fluid-solid non-catalytic reactions, Residence time distribution (RTD): Introduction, Non-ideal reactors
Week 11: Measurement of RTD, RTD function, Properties of RTD function, Reactor diagnostics and troubleshooting
Week 12: Reactor diagnostics and troubleshooting, Modeling non-ideal reactors, Zero parameter models
Teaching Assistants
1. Mr. Sudip Das
Taught by
Prof. Ganesh Vishwanathan
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My favorite subject is chemistry. I love this subject. I learn this subject every day.Some products and medicine are prepared from chemistry.This subject teaches us some chemistry force.I am chemical engineer. I study "Sabah" groups."Sabah" is a spe…