Greetings: Self Introduction welcome and other forms, Introduction to Karnataka land and culture, Introduction to Kannada Language Script based on Shape of the letters - Script group- 1, Script group- 2 and 3, Script group- 4 and 5, Script group- 6,7,and 8, Script group- 9,10,11 and 12. Gemination and clusters of letters
Personal Pronouns Kinship terms and possessive forms, Remote and proximate usage Interrogative marker, expression of neither nor and either or, possessive forms of other forms the internal changes etc. Numbers – Cardinal , Ordinal numbers ,directions and post positions, Pronominal predicates
Basic adjectives ,colors and adjectival predicates, Nominal predicates Different types of plural, Human special numerals Exclamatory sentences, Dative case, comparative forms
Defective verbs and its question marker vegetable names Action verbs, Imperatives, Permissive , Hortative usage, Optative contractions(desire ,permission and blessing, Obligatory sentences indicating wish and desire, Accusative case
Defective verbs, Locative case Definite Present and Present / habitual-future usage along with respective negations with internal changes. Instrumental and Ablative case Verbs showing ability and privilege
Verbal Noun Purposive infinitive, Prohibitive forms and purposive infinitive, Usage of- To know-verb, Potential forms of verbs along with negation, vocabulary development parts of the body along with actions
Transitive, Intransitive and causative verbs, Future tense, Future Tense-usage and negation in Habitual purpose , Past tense markers and negation. Reflexive forms Domestic/wild animals name, Verbal participles derived from past tense
Verbal participles, present perfect future perfect and past perfect with respective negation. Complex sentences formed with verbal participle, Reflexive constructions, Present continuous tense future continuous, past continuous Different shades of meaning of verbal participles, Verbal participles and some auxiliary verbs, Discussion about the previous class.
Relative participles, participle nouns Conditional forms, Another type of conditional contraction, Relative participles Negative forms. Adverbial forms, Participial nouns and expanded forms, Reported speech, Occupational
Indirect speech, Active and Passive voice, Special usage of compound words, Samples of letter writing, idioms, and phrases, Proverbs, Complex sentence constructions. Reduplicative forms
Cultural vocabulary, About festivals, Folk story, Phrases, About Celebrations, stories, About social gathering foods and other specialties Celebrations.
Over view of all structure.
Taught by
Dr. Rakesh Cherucodu