About the course: The main focus of this course is to provide an understanding of and the theoretical underpinning of the different schemes of Approximate Reasoning employing Fuzzy Sets. It is envisaged that the structure and approach of the course will be to make a student of Math appreciate how the different structural constructs, often consigned to theoretical studies, play a role in propping up working engineering models, and a student of engineering understand the variety of theoretical explorations that allow for some basic guarantees to their embedded models.A basic understanding of analysis and algebra is required, while the basics of fuzzy set theory, while being useful will also be covered as we go along. Thus it should be accessible to final year undergrads and any post-graduate student in Math / CSE or EE.INTENDED AUDIENCE: This course will be accessible to Science / Engineering students upwards of 4th year undergraduate. Specifically, 4th year B.Tech / BE (CSE / EE), M.Sc (Mathematics / Stats / Computing), M. Tech (CSE, EE)INDUSRTY SUPPORT: Industries dealing with Data Analysis and Inference, Control Systems, Aerospace.PRE-REQUISITE:An understanding of basic concepts of analysis and algebra at the level of an undergrad course is required. Familiarity with the following courses on NPTEL would be of added value: https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104157https://nptel.ac.in/courses/111102130
Week 1: Fuzzy Sets – Preliminaries Duration:
Week 2:Fuzzy Set Theoretic Connectives Duration
Week 3:Fuzzy Set Theoretic Connectives Duration Cont.,
Week 4:Fuzzy Set Theoretic Connectives Duration Cont.,
Week 5:Fuzzy Inference Mechanisms Duration
Week 6:Fuzzy Inference Mechanisms Duration Cont.,
Week 7:Fuzzy Inference Mechanisms Duration Cont.,
Week 8:Properties of an FIS Duration
Week 9:Properties of an FIS Duration Cont.,
Week 10:Properties of an FIS Duration Cont.,
Week 11:Properties of an FIS Duration Cont.,
Week 12:Properties of an FIS Duration Cont.,
Taught by
Prof. Balasubramaniam Jayaram