Aircraft Stability and Control
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur and NPTEL via Swayam
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Week 1:Overview of aerodynamics and atmosphere,Wing stall and maximum lift coefficient,Wing aerodynamic center & pitching moment,Introduction to static and dynamic stability.
Week 2:Introduction to static and dynamic stability,Wing contribution,Tail contribution,Canard and fuselage contribution.
Week 3:Power plant contribution & its effect on NP,Stick fixed neutral point,Static margin,Stick fixed : maneuvering point.
Week 4:Elevator effectiveness, Elevator angle of trim,Flight measurement of Xnp,Elevator hinge moment,Stick forces (trim tab & stick force gradient),
Week 5:Stick free neutral point,Stick free : maneuvering point,Roll stability and roll control,Yaw stability and yaw control.
Week 6:Newton’s second law of rigid dynamics,Axes system and relevant transforms, Angular motion equations.
Week 7:Aerodynamic forces,Gravitational and thrust forces,Linearized equations of motion,
Week 8:Force and moment derivatives,Force and moment derivatives,Contribution of aircraft components to aerodynamic derivatives,Linear model.
Week 9:Short period approximation,Long period approximation,Pure pitching motion,Flying and handling qualities.
Week 10:Linearized lateral dynamics.Lateral motion :Linearized coupled motion,Roll approximation,Spiral approximation.
Week 11:Dutch roll approximation.Pure rolling.Pure yawing,Inertia coupling.
Week 12:Stability augmentation system: Longitudinal,Stability augmentation system: Lateral.
Taught by
A K Ghosh