The objective of the course is to deal with the introduction of communication process used for designing ads in a quality way. The aim is to build skills of students so that they can work in a professional way in the advertising industry. It involves an ability to take major media decisions for connecting with right audience. Internet in advertising has increased the reach of social media. The advertising for different media requires various pre testing and post testing techniques. The selection of advertising appeals needs to be associated with the social, ethical and legal aspects of the economy and society. The course will help the students to imbibe the various insights of the subjects.
WEEK - 11. Introduction to Communication2. Importance of Advertising3. Meaning nature and concept of advertising4. Types of AdvertisingWEEK - 25. Various elements of advertisings6. Advertising Issues and Objectives7. Audience Analysis in Advertising8. Setting Advertising BudgetWEEK - 39. Determinants and Major Methods of Advertising Budget10. Factors impacting media decisions for advertising11. Major Media Types and their characteristics12. Television advertisingWEEK - 413. Use of print media in advertising14. Advertising through Internet Media devices15. Advantages and disadvantages of internet media16. Factors Influencing Media Choices in AdvertisingWEEK - 517. Media Planning and Selection18. Media Scheduling19. Message development20. Advertising appealsWEEK - 621. Advertising copy22. Use of multimedia in advertising23. Advertising execution24. Preparing ads for different mediaWEEK - 725. Creativity in advertisements26. Measuring advertising effectiveness27. Advertising and society28. Impact of advertisings on salesWEEK - 829. Advertising research30. Post testing techniques for measuring success of advertisements31. Pre testing and research in launching advertising32. Importance of advertisings agencyWEEK - 933. Role of advertising agency34. Various types of advertising agencies35. Selection of advertising agency36. Social advertisingsWEEK - 1037. Social responsibility in advertisings38. Ethical aspects of advertising in India39. Legal aspects of advertising in IndiaTaught by
Dr. Meeta Nihalani