Svelte is a modern JavaScript framework that's similar to React or Vue, but takes a different approach when it comes to constructing your application. Svelte is actually a compiler that takes the code you write and compiles it down to vanilla JavaScript. This results in highly optimized, performant code with extremely small bundle sizes. In this series, we'll review all of Svelte's features, including things like reactive state, components, templating, lifecycle hooks, binding, transitions and more.
- Svelte Features
- Intro and Basics
- The Obligatory Todo App
- More Todo App Features
- Transitions in Svelte
- Component Communication using Events
- Component Communication using Events Part 2
- Global Writable Stores
- Pass Markup Around with Slots
- Data Fetching in Svelte
- SvelteKit
- SvelteKit Overview
- API Endpoints
- Deploying your SvelteKit app
- Usage in Laravel
- Using Svelte and Laravel Together
Taught by
Andre Madarang