Move ahead in your career by acquiring or increasing your public speaking skills through fun video lessons. You can use these short videos to learn how to deliver speeches, speak to specific audiences and use visual aides.
- Ch 1. Introduction to Public Speaking
- Ch 2. Analyzing Your Audience
- Ch 3. Listening and Feedback
- Ch 4. Selecting the Topic, Purpose, and Thesis of Your Speech
- Ch 5. Researching the Speech
- Ch 6. Organizing The Speech
- Ch 7. Outlining The Speech
- Ch 8. Language and Style
- Ch 9. Speech Delivery
- Ch 10. Selecting and Incorporating Visual Supports
- Ch 11. Types of Speeches
- Ch 12. Reasoning and Rhetorical Proof
- Ch 13. Speech Evaluation
- Ch 14. Preparing For an Impromptu Speech
- Ch 15. Practical Applications for Public Speaking