As you prepare for the CLEP American Government exam and earn college credit, use our fun test prep course to quickly and easily review all the topics that could appear on the exam. Our video lessons break down complicated topics with clear instruction and plenty of examples to maximize your chance of passing the exam.
- Ch 1. Introduction to the Study of American Government
- Ch 2. Constitutional Democracy
- Ch 3. Federalism in the United States
- Ch 4. Interest Groups and American Democracy
- Ch 5. The Media and American Democracy
- Ch 6. American Political Culture, Opinion, and Behavior
- Ch 7. The Federal Bureaucracy in the United States
- Ch 8. Civil Liberties
- Ch 9. Civil Rights
- Ch 10. Political Parties in the United States Government
- Ch 11. The Presidency: Election, Powers, and Practice
- Ch 12. The Congress: Election, Powers, and Representation
- Ch 13. The Federal Judicial System
- Ch 14. Economic and Fiscal Policy
- Ch 15. Public, Social, and Environmental Policy
- Ch 16. Foreign and Defense Policy
- Ch 17. CLEP American Government Flashcards