Prepare yourself for the Alberta Education Diploma Chemistry 30 exam with this convenient online test prep course. This self-paced course covers all of the chemistry concepts you'll need to know for the exam and provides plenty of practice assessments to help you master your chemistry knowledge.
- Ch 1. Experimental Design & Measurement
- Ch 2. Kinetic Energy & Heat Transfer
- Ch 3. Enthalpy in Chemistry
- Ch 4. Energy Changes in Biochemical Reactions
- Ch 5. Electrochemistry Basics
- Ch 6. Mixtures & Solutions in Chemistry
- Ch 7. Inorganic & Organic Chemistry
- Ch 8. Comparing Compounds in Chemistry
- Ch 9. Monomers & Polymers
- Ch 10. Organic Reactions & Greenhouse Gases
- Ch 11. Reduction-Oxidation Reactions
- Ch 12. Chemical Equilibrium Overview
- Ch 13. Acids & Bases in Chemistry
- Ch 14. Alberta Education Diploma - Chemistry 30 Flashcards