- Recognize the importance of marketing orientation and career brand building for your career development; use marketing communication strategies for your self-marketing;
- Implement strategic marketing planning for your career development and engage in creating your own strategic self-marketing plan;
- Devise strategies for managing your professional reputation; begin creating your personal brand, and plan steps for strategic personal branding;
- Create personal branding statements, and integrate social networking into your career branding;
- Refine your self-management information system to systematically collect and analyze self-marketing and personal branding related data, select appropriate tools and apply them for a thorough, accurate, evidence-based and data driven self-assessment of your self-marketing and personal branding skills;
- Develop and implement an effective instrument for displaying your artifacts and monitoring your marketing communications strategies ("The Showcaser") and a realistic performance metric for evaluating your career brand building activities ("The Career Brand Equity Builder").