This class is part 1 of my series on watercolour greenery. It will focus on how to mix a variety greens with your palette, allowing you to add movement, depth and dimension to your work.
We will start by looking at colour theory, so we understand how to make different greens, covering the basics of colour theory, hue, chroma, value and pigment characteristics that can affect the appearance of our greens. We will then start experimenting with our palettes - making warm, cool and the more neutral realistic greens that we see in nature. Finally we will look at how to make colour charts which you can use as a really useful reference guide for your future work.
The class is aimed at beginners to watercolour or anyone that wants to know a bit more about how to mix their greens, and is a great foundation for people wanting to know more about botanical painting, which we will be looking at in the rest of the series. I hope you find it useful and enjoy experimenting with your palettes!