At every moment, our brain is secretly editing we we see.
When we see an object, we assume that it exist.
When we see the object being far away, we assume that it is far away.
When the object looks small, we assume that it is small.
Learn how your perception really works and experience directly how your brain is constantly manipulating what you see.
What you will learn in this course
How your brain puzzles the pieces that your eyes see together
Why the colors we see are not the true colors
How our brain makes us think that we see in 3D although we definitely don’t
Why our eyes cannot see how big something is and how our brain hides this
How our brain edits the form of objects in our eyes
Conscious and unconscious perception
How perception and memory work together to construct your reality
Learn what happens in your subconsciousness and catch the brain in the act of editing your perception during this course.
When I was a psychology student, perception did not seem very interesting to me.
Now it’s one of my absolute favorite topics.
The reason is simply that there is so much going on in our perception that we are not aware of and it is so easy to make those things visible.
Once you know where to look, you can see it everywhere.
And this makes learning about our perception so interesting and enriching: you will never see the world the same way again.
In my experience, especially the people who think that they are not interested in psychology become interested very quickly once they learn about perception.
So enroll now and find out how your perception really works.
Once you enroll you can start with any lecture and see for yourself what it has in store for you.
And you can ask me any question you have about human perception.