Animation is fun to watch and it’s also fun to make! But where do you start? And how is animation made? Are you curious about 2D hand-drawn animation and are you interested in learning how to animate yourself? Are you interested in animation as a professional or do you want to pick it up as a hobby? Then this is the class for you! This class is for beginners who like learn about animation and how to animate a character. We’ll start really easy so anyone can join the fun! The classes will get more advance as we go on.
In this course you’ll learn:
- Basics of 2D frame for frame animation
- Basics of character design for animation
- Some insight on the animation industry
- How to animate a your first character!
This class is for: beginners (No prior knowledge is required.)
Watch time: 49 minutes
Over-all assignment of this course: Animate a character. We’ll start really basic so anyone can participate!
There will be short assignments with each class as animation is something you'll learn better, by doing. The assignments are a step by step process towards creating your very first character animation! All the assignments will lead towards creating your very first character animation. I recommend participating in each assignment.
Tools: There are no tools or software supplied with this course. It’s recommended to download a demo/ purchase the animation software to your preference, or use the tools you have; paper, scanner and editing software. During the course I’ll use digital drawn-2D animation for my explanations. The basics theory of frame for frame animation are the same regardless of the tools. I will talk about the software at times for those who are interested!
Animation software examples you can purchase or download a demo of to participate in the class assignments: photoshop, tvpaint, toon boom harmoney, moho, celaction2D, synfig, opentoonz, flipbook.