Learn the way mushrooms are put together and how to express yourself through your very own mushroom art. Lovers of fungi will enjoy this class for its combination of the science of mushrooms and the world of art. And experienced illustrators will enjoy the challenge of styling these wondrous organisms while keeping the anatomy true.
The class will cover drawing techniques along with composition and design principles suitable for those just starting out. Experience in digital drawing and Photoshop is desirable, but not essential, and though the class is given using digital illustration tools, the core techniques can be used with a traditional medium.
By understanding the basics of mushroom anatomy, your illustrations are given a foundation in reality that will allow you to push beyond science in a believable way. Using the skills learned in this class you can illustrate mushrooms in a 'botanical' way or take a wander into whimsy!
This class will use Photoshop and a Wacom tablet with a stylus. Alternative tools may be Procreate on an iPad, or traditional fine art tools like pencils, ink and paint.
I’m an avid fungi fan who forages every autumn for edibles, creates mushroom art for walls and t-shirts, and designs mushroom logos. I love so much about them and I hope to share my love of mushrooms in art with you in class!