This is the sixth course in the Drawing in Procreate series and the last about creating custom brushes.
This time we will dive into pattern brushes! I will show you several methods to create any pattern you want, from simple motives to intricate seamless patterns.
To take this class you just need basic knowledge of Procreate and an iPad. That’s all! :)
So... Let’s create some patterns!
Drawing in Procreate! class schedule:
* Tutorial 1: Brushes & Gestures. Learning the basics of Procreate (1/2): Click here to take it!
* Tutorial 2: Layers & Colors. Learning the basics of Procreate (2/2) : click here to take it!
* Tutorial 3: Textures. Draw faster using preset textured brushes: click here to take it!
* Tutorial 4: Creating Calligraphy Brushes. Custom brushes 1/3: click here to take it!
* Tutorial 5:  Creating Stamps. Custom brushes 2/3: click here to take it!
* Tutorial 6:Â THIS CLASS.
* Tutorial 7: Blending Modes 1/2. Darken & Lighten sets: click here to take it!
Make sure to follow me so you know when the next class is released! ;)