Have you ever wondered how to get the look of depth in a final piece? Whether it's a landscape piece with mountains and trees off in the distance or a piece with less distance but still gives you that feel of being in a scene where things are clearly "closer" to you and "further" from you instead of being flat, you can achieve these looks with the skills you will learn in this class. There are a few key components to achieve depth in your work and once you understand them, you'll be on your way! At the end of class, we will draw a sketch together to reinforce the skills you learn in class and I'll show you a beautiful way to illustrate it but you can use any illustration style you like!
I will be using Procreate in class but you can apply the skills from this class with all styles of art so feel free to follow along with as little as pencil and paper! For those with Procreate, there is a free color palette and free brushes in the Projects & Resources tab. All of the image files can be downloaded by anyone!
Here's a look at some fun that can be had with the free brushes!