This course teaches you to build a reusable and declarative React component library. It's perfect for developers who are looking to build a scalable design system for their team and product.
- Introduction - Reusable React fundamentals
- 1. Course Introduction
- 2. Rendering and Props
- 3. Frontend Career Path
- 4. Custom Events and Props
- 5. Fundamentals Exercise: Badge Component
- Controlled components and refs
- 1. Building an interactive form
- 2. What does "controlled" mean?
- 3. Character Counter Input
- 4. State in Class vs Function components
- 5. Implementing useState
- 6. The useRef Hook
- 7. Updating Refs with Side Effects
- 8. Forwarding Refs
- 9. Toggleable Form
- Reducers
- 1. Why are reducers a part of React?
- 2. How reducers work
- 3. Reducers Exercise 1: Expanding our reducer function
- 4. The useReducer Hook
- 5. useReducer vs useState
- 6. Custom Hooks
- 7. Reducers Exercise 2: Character Sheet Application
- 8. A Promise-based State Machine
- Compound components
- 1. A Single Data-Entry Point Component
- 2. Reordering Elements
- 3. Adding a disabled Property
- 4. Too many props!
- 5. What is a Compound Component?
- 6. Replacing Props with Compound Components
- 7. Sharing State with the Context API
- 8. Adding More Context
- 9. A Date Picker Compound Component
- 10. Course Conclusion