Explore how to provide safe and effective PSHE education
Personal, social, health, and economic (PSHE) education is the school subject that prepares children and young people for life. It covers health and wellbeing, relationships and sex, careers and financial capability.
Most elements of PSHE education are now compulsory in England. When taught well, PSHE can have a big impact on individuals and society, but there are some basic principles to learn before you step into the classroom.
On this course, you’ll learn principles of safe PSHE teaching practice and how to plan and teach your own PSHE lessons with confidence.
You’ll learn how PSHE has developed globally and examine research that is applicable to teachers internationally.
This course is targeted at PSHE teachers in England, or teachers of any aspect of health or relationships and sex education around the world.
In particular, this course will support teachers who have not received any face-to-face training for PSHE education or would like to develop professionally in PSHE education.