Testing is the last opportunity to prevent vulnerable software from entering production. This course will teach you software testing skills needed for the Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional examination.
Testing software requires a test strategy and a good test plan. In this course, Secure Software Testing for CSSLP®, you’ll learn to create and execute test plans to verify that software security works as designed and intended. First, you’ll explore testing strategies and methods. Next, you’ll discover test cases and test data. Finally, you’ll learn how to verify and analyze test results. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of secure software testing needed for the Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional examination.
Testing software requires a test strategy and a good test plan. In this course, Secure Software Testing for CSSLP®, you’ll learn to create and execute test plans to verify that software security works as designed and intended. First, you’ll explore testing strategies and methods. Next, you’ll discover test cases and test data. Finally, you’ll learn how to verify and analyze test results. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of secure software testing needed for the Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional examination.