How to use Adobe Prelude and Premiere Pro digital video editing software to tell compelling stories. Learn to work with other editors for effective videos.
Nothing tells a story better than a well crafted digital video. In this course, Fundamentals of Video Production in Adobe Prelude and Premiere Pro, you will learn how to create a compelling and effective video production while simultaneously avoiding many of the common traps most newbie video editors fall into. First, you will learn how to properly import video content like a professional by starting in Adobe Prelude; one of the most under-used softwares in the Creative Cloud platform. Next, you will leverage the power of Prelude's Logging feature to add sub-clips and comments throughout your video footage and build a rough cut using logged metadata. Finally, you will learn how to take a rough cut from Prelude into Adobe Premiere Pro. From there, you will further edit this composition using advanced video cutting techniques that well trained editors know how to implement. When you are finished with this video production course, you'll not only know how to build incredibly effective video content from the start, but also how to work in collaboration with fellow editors using the Adobe Creative Cloud platform for visual storytelling. Software required: Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015 or later, Adobe Prelude 2015 or later.
Nothing tells a story better than a well crafted digital video. In this course, Fundamentals of Video Production in Adobe Prelude and Premiere Pro, you will learn how to create a compelling and effective video production while simultaneously avoiding many of the common traps most newbie video editors fall into. First, you will learn how to properly import video content like a professional by starting in Adobe Prelude; one of the most under-used softwares in the Creative Cloud platform. Next, you will leverage the power of Prelude's Logging feature to add sub-clips and comments throughout your video footage and build a rough cut using logged metadata. Finally, you will learn how to take a rough cut from Prelude into Adobe Premiere Pro. From there, you will further edit this composition using advanced video cutting techniques that well trained editors know how to implement. When you are finished with this video production course, you'll not only know how to build incredibly effective video content from the start, but also how to work in collaboration with fellow editors using the Adobe Creative Cloud platform for visual storytelling. Software required: Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015 or later, Adobe Prelude 2015 or later.