Get started with the world's most used server web development language, PHP. This course will get you started in no time, covering installation, forms management, working with databases, state management, and more!
PHP is the most widely used server language on the web. This course, PHP: Getting Started, will help you get started with the language in no time by covering topics such as, installing a web server, PHP, and the MySQL database server. First, you will learn how to process form data and later store everything in a MySQL database. Next, you will discover how to take special care when dealing with common security-related pitfalls and how to avoid common attacks. Finally, you will gain an understanding of how to develop a small sample application, which also features authentication and authorization. By the end of this course, you will know your way around PHP, however, you will not be provided a complete introduction into the language syntax, so knowledge of any programming language is beneficial.
PHP is the most widely used server language on the web. This course, PHP: Getting Started, will help you get started with the language in no time by covering topics such as, installing a web server, PHP, and the MySQL database server. First, you will learn how to process form data and later store everything in a MySQL database. Next, you will discover how to take special care when dealing with common security-related pitfalls and how to avoid common attacks. Finally, you will gain an understanding of how to develop a small sample application, which also features authentication and authorization. By the end of this course, you will know your way around PHP, however, you will not be provided a complete introduction into the language syntax, so knowledge of any programming language is beneficial.