Are you preparing for the Microsoft Azure IoT Developer Specialty exam, AZ-220? This course will teach you how to set up and deploy an IoT Edge device.
Azure IoT Edge moves cloud analytics and custom business logic to IoT devices. In this course, Microsoft Azure IoT Developer: Set up and Deploy IoT Edge Devices, you’ll learn to set up IoT Edge devices. First, you’ll explore registering a new device in Azure IoT Hub. Next, you’ll discover how to install IoT Edge runtime on a virtual device. Finally, you’ll learn to automatically deploy third-party modules and secure your IoT Edge devices. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of setting up Azure IoT Edge needed to prepare for the Azure IoT Developer Specialty exam AZ-220.
Azure IoT Edge moves cloud analytics and custom business logic to IoT devices. In this course, Microsoft Azure IoT Developer: Set up and Deploy IoT Edge Devices, you’ll learn to set up IoT Edge devices. First, you’ll explore registering a new device in Azure IoT Hub. Next, you’ll discover how to install IoT Edge runtime on a virtual device. Finally, you’ll learn to automatically deploy third-party modules and secure your IoT Edge devices. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of setting up Azure IoT Edge needed to prepare for the Azure IoT Developer Specialty exam AZ-220.