Utilize Bash and Z shell to learn essential process management skills for those working in Linux environments. Discover how to use jobs, signals, and shell customization to your advantage.
Understanding jobs and processes is a key skill for anyone who is responsible for a Linux server. In this course, Managing Jobs and Processes with Bash and Z Shell, you will gain a greater mastery over Linux environments, through effectively utilizing Bash and Z shell. First, you will learn how to inspect and manipulate running processes. Then, you will be introduced to the related concept of jobs. Finally, you will discover how to make the shell environment your own through persistent customization. When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of process management needed to effectively control execution on a Linux server.
Understanding jobs and processes is a key skill for anyone who is responsible for a Linux server. In this course, Managing Jobs and Processes with Bash and Z Shell, you will gain a greater mastery over Linux environments, through effectively utilizing Bash and Z shell. First, you will learn how to inspect and manipulate running processes. Then, you will be introduced to the related concept of jobs. Finally, you will discover how to make the shell environment your own through persistent customization. When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of process management needed to effectively control execution on a Linux server.