This course will teach JavaScript developers, who have already completed the first Animation with GSAP course, or have a good understanding of JavaScript, animation in general.
GreenSock has been around since ActionScript 2 and Flash, since then it has kept up with the industry and turned into one of the leading JavaScript animation libraries. In this course, Building Advanced JavaScript Animations with GSAP, you'll be learning some of the plugins that are associated with paid version of GreenSock. First, you'll explore how to MorphSVG. Next, you'll discover how to DrawSVG. Finally, you'll learn about ScrambleText and also SplitText. By the end of this course, you'll know how to create some unbelievable animation for creative storytelling and games.
GreenSock has been around since ActionScript 2 and Flash, since then it has kept up with the industry and turned into one of the leading JavaScript animation libraries. In this course, Building Advanced JavaScript Animations with GSAP, you'll be learning some of the plugins that are associated with paid version of GreenSock. First, you'll explore how to MorphSVG. Next, you'll discover how to DrawSVG. Finally, you'll learn about ScrambleText and also SplitText. By the end of this course, you'll know how to create some unbelievable animation for creative storytelling and games.