CSS is very basic and tedious to write by hand. However, by using a CSS preprocessor, we can introduce variables, functions, calculations, shorthand, minification, and other cool stuff all while keeping our source files clean and readable. The power of using a CSS preprocessor for doing responsive design should not be underestimated.
CSS is very basic and tedious to write by hand. However, by using a CSS preprocessor, we can introduce variables, functions, calculations, shorthand, minification, and other cool stuff all while keeping our source files clean and readable. The power of using a CSS preprocessor for doing responsive design should not be underestimated.
- Course Overview 1min
- CSS Preprocessor Overview 4mins
- Introduction to SASS 8mins
- Setting up a New SASS Project 17mins
- Building the Site Header 26mins
- Building the Main Rows and Columns 16mins
- Building the Tabbed Navigation 12mins
- Style Lists with Custom Bullets 6mins
- Build Newspaper Style Columns 7mins
- Using a for Loop for a 12 Column Grid 18mins
Taught by
Paul Cheney