As a .NET developer, you ought to know how to architect and test your applications - not only do these skills make you a more advanced developer, but they also help you build better apps. In this course, Become a Full-stack .NET Developer - Architecture and Testing, you'll learn how to do just that. This course is the third part of the "Become a Full-stack .NET Developer" series. In the previous two parts, you built a real-world mini social networking application for live music lovers. In this final part, you'll finish off the remaining use cases, modularize JavaScript code, and then refactor your application towards a clean, decoupled, and testable architecture. Next, you'll learn about programming against interfaces, and finally you'll write unit and integration tests for various moving parts. By the end of this course, you'll be able to create highly testable apps with better architecture, and you'll be one step closer to being a full-stack .NET developer.
As a .NET developer, you ought to know how to architect and test your applications - not only do these skills make you a more advanced developer, but they also help you build better apps. In this course, Become a Full-stack .NET Developer - Architecture and Testing, you'll learn how to do just that. This course is the third part of the "Become a Full-stack .NET Developer" series. In the previous two parts, you built a real-world mini social networking application for live music lovers. In this final part, you'll finish off the remaining use cases, modularize JavaScript code, and then refactor your application towards a clean, decoupled, and testable architecture. Next, you'll learn about programming against interfaces, and finally you'll write unit and integration tests for various moving parts. By the end of this course, you'll be able to create highly testable apps with better architecture, and you'll be one step closer to being a full-stack .NET developer.
- Implementing the Remaining Use Cases 25mins
- Modularizing JavaScript Code 40mins
- Refactoring Towards the Clean Architecture 41mins
- Programming Against Interfaces 44mins
- Testing Controllers 34mins
- Testing Repositories 19mins
- Adding Integration Tests 33mins
Taught by
Mosh Hamedani