Twitter's Bootstrap 3 can help you achieve a great looking and performing web site. Sign up for a free trial & take the Bootstrap 3 course at Pluralsight today!
Building great looking websites that work well with different sized devices can be a challenge. By utilizing Twitter's Bootstrap 3 framework, you can meet that challenge head-on. Bootstrap 3 is a mobile-first responsive design framework for structuring your website's HTML. It includes a great grid system, responsive design, CSS typography and components to solve many of the most common design challenges that face web developers today.
Building great looking websites that work well with different sized devices can be a challenge. By utilizing Twitter's Bootstrap 3 framework, you can meet that challenge head-on. Bootstrap 3 is a mobile-first responsive design framework for structuring your website's HTML. It includes a great grid system, responsive design, CSS typography and components to solve many of the most common design challenges that face web developers today.