Everything you need to know about the AWS Data Engineer Associate exam.
In this guide, 8-time AWS certified training architect David Blocker dives into what the AWS Data Engineer Associate exam is, how to take it, and what will be included. You’ll also learn about the recommended experience for a better pass rate and the top 5 services you need to know going into the exam. Find the complete exam guide here: https://d1.awsstatic.com/training-and-certification/docs-data-engineer-associate/AWS-Certified-Data-Engineer-Associate_Exam-Guide.pdf.
In this guide, 8-time AWS certified training architect David Blocker dives into what the AWS Data Engineer Associate exam is, how to take it, and what will be included. You’ll also learn about the recommended experience for a better pass rate and the top 5 services you need to know going into the exam. Find the complete exam guide here: https://d1.awsstatic.com/training-and-certification/docs-data-engineer-associate/AWS-Certified-Data-Engineer-Associate_Exam-Guide.pdf.