This two-week course offers you the opportunity to discuss food, your likes and dislikes as well as to shop or order food. Little by little, you will improve your ability to make more sophisticated conversations and to understand more complex language in a variety of different scenarios. You will also find out facts about France and French habits.This OpenLearn course is an extract from the beginning of the Open Centre for Languages and Cultures short course, LGXF002 Beginners French 2: bien sûr!360 After completing this free course, you may wish to register for the full course to continue your learning!
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Open Centre for Languages and Cultures
- Acknowledgements
- Week1Week 1: Food – saying what you like
- Introduction
- 1 Food in France
- 2 Discussing what you like to eat or drink
- 3 Definite articles – popular food and drink in France
- 4 The verb aimer
- 5 The verb préférer
- 6 Talking about what you like using aimer, adorer and préférer + le/la/les
- 7 Now it’s your turn to speak
- 8 Intonation
- 9 This week’s quiz
- 10 Summary of Week 1
- Acknowledgements
- Week2Week 2: Food - saying what you don’t like
- Introduction
- 1 Saying what you dislike
- 2 Fast food in France
- 3 Expressing the negative
- 4 Now it’s your turn to speak!
- 4.1 Speaking about your likes and dislikes
- 5 Writing about food likes and dislikes
- 6 French culture
- 7 This week’s quiz
- 8 Summary of Week 2
- Next steps
- Acknowledgements